Friday, November 03, 2006

MISO-J "Dealing with multi-segment iso image files"

MISO-J is an file appending utility which is able to support several kinds of file formats.
For example, you can append multi txt files in a single one.
(001.txt + 002.txt + 003.txt --> output.txt)
Sometimes, we may get some multi-segment image files from the making of PC.
Most of them are groups of "xxx.mds, xxx.I00, xxx.I01, xxx.I02" or "xxx.mds, xxx.mdf, xxx.md0, xxx.md1".
Although we can burn the image file on the Mac, I didn't know any burnner software can handle the multi-segment image files.
Therefore, I composed this appending utilities for joinning multiple files in a single one. And then, you can burn these files which are made from PC!!


Update Logs:
1.02 Fixed memory leaks.



Anonymous said...

Works like a charm! Thank you!
Only negative reaction I have to this program is that it's using alot of cpu. I noticed cause my fans started spinning like they were gonna take off with my laptop ;)

La'fear said...

Could you tell me what the model of your MAC.
I can take it for reference.

Anonymous said...

You can burn .mds and .mdf files from the Mac?!?

Please tell me how. These are proprietary Alcohol image formats (AFAIK), and I have been unable to find anything that would read them, let alone, write them.
Could you please tell me what you use to burn these image files (or at least convert them to .iso or .toast).


Anonymous said...

You can burn .mds and .mdf files from the Mac?!?

Please tell me how. These are proprietary Alcohol image formats (AFAIK), and I have been unable to find anything that would read them, let alone, write them.
Could you please tell me what you use to burn these image files (or at least convert them to .iso or .toast).


La'fear said...

If your files are xxx.mds, xxx.mdf, xxx.md0, and xxx.md1.
You just use MISO-J to join xxx.mdf, xxx.md0, and xxx.md1 to xxx.iso. (exclude xxx.mds)
And then you can burn xxx.iso on MAC directly.

Anonymous said...

hey, thanks so much...I was terrified about 10 minutes ago when I discovered the file I had downloaded was a multi-segment ISO. Works like a charm, and solved the issue after I found it on google.

What is the .mdf, etc file format for on the PC (e.g. what software is it for)? Once I join them together, what do they become? Just a normal disk image? Or do I need to use something else to handle it on a mac?

La'fear said...

I think the mdf format file is produced by the Alcohol 120 on the Windows Platform. You can also join these segment-files by MISO-J. If your MDF file is just a solid one (without md0, md1, md2). Only you have to do just rename the extension from mdf to iso on the Mac OS X. And then you can open it by Disk Utilitty or burn it by Toast.

By the way, the latest version of MISO-J is 1.2. Just a remind.


Anonymous said...

Thanks! Works great on Snow Leopard!